Jumat, 13 November 2015

Avengers: Age Of Ultron

In the Eastern European country of Sokovia, the Avengers – Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Thor, Bruce Banner (Hulk), Natasha Romanoff, and Clint Barton – raid a Hydra outpost led by Baron Wolfgang von Strucker, who has been experimenting on humans using the scepter previously wielded by Loki. They encounter two of Strucker's experiments – twins Pietro, who has superhuman speed, and Wanda Maximoff, who can manipulate minds and project energy – and apprehend Strucker, while Stark retrieves Loki's scepter.

Stark and Banner discover an artificial intelligence within the scepter's gem, and secretly use it to complete Stark's "Ultron" global defense program. The unexpectedly sentient Ultron, believing he must eradicate humanity to save Earth, eliminates Stark's A.I., JARVIS, and attacks the Avengers at their headquarters. Escaping with the scepter, Ultron uses the resources in Strucker's Sokovia base to upgrade his rudimentary body and build an army of robot drones. Having killed Strucker, he recruits the Maximoffs, who hold Stark responsible for their parents' deaths by his weapons. Together, they go to the base of arms dealer Ulysses Klaue in an African shipyard to obtain Wakandan vibranium. The Avengers pursue them, but Wanda subdues the Avengers with haunting visions, causing the Hulk to rampage until Stark stops him with his anti-Hulk armor.
A worldwide backlash over the resulting destruction, and the fears Wanda's hallucinations incited, send the team into hiding at Barton's safehouse. Thor departs to consult with Dr. Erik Selvig on the meaning of the apocalyptic future he saw in his hallucination, while Romanoff and Banner plan to flee together after realizing a mutual attraction. However, Nick Fury arrives and encourages the team to form a plan to stop Ultron. In Seoul, Ultron forces the team's friend Dr. Helen Cho to use her synthetic-tissue technology, together with vibranium and the scepter's gem, to perfect a new body for him. As Ultron uploads himself into the body, Wanda is able to read his mind; discovering his plan for human extinction, the Maximoffs turn on Ultron. Rogers, Romanoff, and Barton find Ultron and retrieve the synthetic body, but Ultron captures Romanoff.

The Avengers fight amongst themselves when Stark secretly uploads J.A.R.V.I.S. – who is still operational after hiding from Ultron inside the Internet – into the synthetic body. Thor returns to help activate the body, explaining that the gem on its brow – one of the six Infinity Stones, the most powerful objects in existence – was part of his vision. This "Vision" and the Maximoffs accompany the Avengers to Sokovia, where Ultron has used the remaining vibranium to build a machine to lift a large part of the capital city skyward, intending to crash it into the ground to cause global extinction. Banner rescues Romanoff, who awakens the Hulk for the battle. The Avengers fight Ultron's army while Fury arrives in a Helicarrier with Maria Hill, James Rhodes and S.H.I.E.L.D. agents to evacuate civilians. Pietro dies when he shields Barton from gunfire, and a vengeful Wanda abandons her post to destroy Ultron's primary body, which allows one of his drones to activate the machine. The city plummets, but Stark and Thor overload the machine and shatter the landmass. In the aftermath, the Hulk, unwilling to endanger Romanoff by being with her, departs in a Quinjet, while the Vision confronts Ultron's last remaining body.

Later, with the Avengers having established a new base run by Fury, Hill, Cho, and Selvig, Thor returns to Asgard to learn more about the forces he suspects have manipulated recent events. As Stark and Barton also leave, Rogers and Romanoff prepare to train new Avengers: Rhodes, the Vision, Sam Wilson, and Wanda.

In a mid-credits scene, Thanos, dissatisfied by the failures of his pawns, dons a gauntlet and vows to personally retrieve the Infinity Stones.

Avengers: Age Of Ultron

Film ini dibuka dengan adegan para Avengers menyerang markas Hydra yang dipimpin sama Baron Wolfgang von Strucker. Target utama mereka yaitu merebut tongkat Loki yang digunakan Hydra untuk bereksperimen membentuk manusia super. Usaha mereka berhasil, tongkat Loki dapat direbut.

Sebagai ilmuwan, Tony Stark atau Iron Man mempunyai ketertarikan khusus sama tongkat Loki. Dia ingin melengkapi program pelindung yang dia sebut ULTRON. Dia mendapat izin dari Thor untuk meneliti tongkat tersebut. Bersama Bruce Banner (Hulk), Tony mendapati otak super komputer di tongkat Loki yang massanya lebih besar dari pada otak komputer JARVIS milik Tony. Kedua otak komputer ini dihubungkan secara offline. Ketika mereka terhubung, otak dalam permata Loki menguasai otak Jarvis yang penuh informasi misi Avengers. Hasilnya, Ultron yang digagas Tony mempunyai otak super canggih dengan informasi kehancuran yang dibikin para Avengers. Ultron berfikir bahwa bumi dalam bahaya dan dia harus menyelamatkan bumi meski harus membunuh lebih banyak manusia di prosesnya. Untuk mengalahkan seluruh Avengers, sebuah tubuh super canggih harus dibikin. Ultron dan si kembar, Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver) dan Wanda Maximoff (Scarlet Witch) bersatu untuk satu tujuan ini.

Ketiganya ke Afrika untuk mengambil Vibrarium (besi imaginer yang digunakan untuk membuat perisai Captain Amerika). Di sini mereka diserang sama Avengers yang tahu rencana mereka. Wanda memanipulasi otak mereka dan mengacaukan pertarungan. Masing-masing Avengers (kecuali Iron Man dan Hawkeye) melihat ketakutan terbesar mereka. Namun sebenarnya, sasaran utama Wanda yaitu Hulk yang sulit dikendalikan. Hulk mengamuk dan membuat banyak kehancuran di kota. Cuma tersisa Iron Man yang terpaksa mengeluarkan program VERONICA yang memang disiapkan untuk menahan kemarahan Hulk jika tidak ada Natasha Romanov. VERONICA yaitu Iron Man raksasa seukuran Hulk.

Dunia mengutuk para Avengers atas kehancuran kota. Para Avengers sendiri juga perlu menjernihkan pikiran mereka yang dimanipulasi sama Wanda. Mereka bersembunyi di rumah Hawkeye yang ternyata mempunyai istri dan anak. Para Avengers yang hebat bersembunyi sampai akhirnya Fury datang untuk membujuk mereka kembali. Banner memutuskan mengundurkan diri dari Avangers jika Ultron sudah terkalahkan. Romanov menyatakan akan menemaninya kemana pun.

Setelah bahan dasar vibrarium didapat, Ultron dan si kembar memaksa Dr Helen Cho untuk membuat tubuh baru untuk Ultron. Gabungan dari teknologi temuan DrCho, vibranium dan permata di tongkat loki bisa membentuk tubuh sempurna Ultro yang tak terkalahkan. Ketika Ultron mulai memasukkan dirinya ke tubuh itu, Wanda melihat tujuan Ultron yaitu untuk menghancurkan dunia. Si kembar memutuskan bergabung dengan para Avengers untuk merebut tubuh baru diciptakan Ultron. Mereka berhasil merebutnya dan mengirim ke Tony Stark. Sekali lagi, atas nama perdamaian, Tony Stark mengupload Jarvis ke dalam tubuh tersebut. Para Avengers sempat saling berselisih. Kali ini Tony Stark didukung Thor yang mengetahui permata di tongkat Loki adalah satu dari 7 permata infinite di alam semesta. Penciptaan robot ini bagian dari visi yang dilihat sama Thor. Robot baru ini bernama Vision. Setelah yakin Vision di pihak mereka, para Avengers dan sekutu baru segera berangkat ke Sokovia kembali untuk menggagalkan rencana Ultron menghancurkan dunia.

Pertarungan terakhir antara Ultron Jahat dengan semua Avengers dan sekutu baru mereka di mulai. Diawali dengan mengungsikan seluruh penduduk keluar dari Sokovia. Mereka harus bertarung dengan ribuan robot ciptaan Ultron.

Rabu, 21 Oktober 2015

Ghost Train

"This story happened in a while in a village that is somewhat remote location. Woolan, is the daughter of the village schools in a high school in Jakarta. Ahead of the holiday, a class brothers, Hary, suddenly came to him in the school cafeteria. Whereas before, Hary not never greet Woolan. glance just never. "

This Hery coincidence the man most okay at school. famous. Looks cool, though brain number 16. So ... when he suddenly came Woolan, obviously just a lot going on whispering neighbors. Because Woolan was an ordinary girl wrote. Although the champion, but because he entered the species nerdy and quiet, it feels weird man as famous as Hery approached him. Woolan yourselves be surprised suddenly saw the Hary suddenly sitting at any table. Meatball in his mouth almost jumped out to Hery forehead.Continue with the killer smile, the Hery started to launch attacks

 "You Woolan huh?"

"No, I meatball."

 Hery laugh like a horse, "Lan, you village in Nias, right?"

"Yes, really know?"

"Because you've meNiaskan my heart ..." 

why even seduce? ......

This is serious. 

"Lan, you village in Nias, right?"

"So what?"

"Can not vacation tomorrow I go to your village?"

Woolan stared in astonishment. Hery ... boy Jakarta wanted to go to his village? What did he want? Want to rob the village head? 

"Why do you want to come to my hometown?" 

"Because I find info on the internet, in your hometown Ghost Train no. So I want to see, whether the story was true."

Hery responsibility lightly.It turned out ... thought Woolan rather annoyed. The Hary want to come to his home because he wanted to make sure the story's era ancestor. indeed, the famous Hery adventurous and like things mystical. He loves each mystery. like things concerning the devil, ghosts, and other supernatural things. But the reason it still makes Woolan upset.

Somehow negotiations, finally Hery come too go home Woolan in Nias. Not to forget the man was carrying a notebook, and his handycam. His intention is completely rounded want to seek to know about the ghost train. Though Woolan already said, that it was just a story old people antiquity alone. So that children do not play in their village all the way up to the forest, where there are train tracks that are not used anymore. However Hery not care. Feeling her say that there will be something special would happen to him in the village Woolan.That is, although upset, Woolan finally say that sometimes heard also the sound of trains passing on the tracks on a Friday night. But no one has ever actually seen whether there is a train passing by there. All the villagers did not dare to look at it. It actually makes Hery more curious.

so ... after finished dinner, Hery prepare his handycam and invites Woolan to prove the story of the ghost train. Precisely because this is really the night Friday night.

so ... around 11 pm, Woolan and Hery out silently toward the old rail in the middle of the forest. Hery very excited. A small voice, he recounted various mystical experiences during the hunt for things unseen. Woolan goose bumps to hear. Tonight wrote, he would be invited Hery out for sure nothing will happen to them. He do not believe in ghosts and demons. But contrary to Hery. The man was evidently sincerely hope will be able to see the ghost train. And will record it on camera.Once there, they waited under a tree not far from the old rail unused it. Forest seemed tense that night, even though there was no moon. 1 hour ... two hours ... ghost train was not too visible.

Woolan invite Hery home. But once they decided to go home, faint sound of a train coming from the distance. Suddenly Woolan fear. However Hery seemed happy and stingless. Then out of nowhere, appeared by their bright lights train coming towards the rail in front of them.Woolan surprised to fall to the ground. Rush him back to record what happens in front of it. His eyes bulging look sinister figures suddenly stepped off the train approaching stumbling Hery. The passengers that everything seemed to fall apart, like an accident victim. There are parts that broke the hand, legs, even heads. They even still bloody body and all the strange voice calling Hery. And somehow Hery silent in place as exposed to hypnosis. Then when the creatures that swarm Hery ..Woolan want to shout to call him. But his voice did not come out. Tongue tied. Then when the terrible figures that attract Hery, then he realized. But he's been unable to get out of the crowd of the creatures. Because Hery rebelled, they grabbed and dragged him into the carriage. Then vague train backed into its original direction and disappeared. Woolan immediately scampered home while weeping for the fate Hery. Woolan that night could not sleep. Even until nights later.A week has passed since the incident. Woolan still enclosed in his room like stress. When his parents asked, he said he had to rush back to Jakarta because there is an urgent matter. But what happens is Hery disappeared. Woolan sat up in bed. Hery camera turns on, and the recording of that night, absolutely not seen the ghost train. Recorded is Hery ... suddenly disappeared swallowed by the night. Hery Where exactly? Why ghost train was not recorded on the camera?


*sorry if my English is not good


The initial story lifted from a story not real .. but clearly not removed from the trash .. 
Action !!! 
"AAAAAA ..." Viarna shout. Kurniawati and Ovikwati was approached in a hurry ...

"You've stealth (siluman)? Emm .. I mean sober (siuman) ?? asked Kurniawati .. 

"I.. I was where? .." .. Viarna looked around the room a bit dusty and stuffy .. the only ventilation is only a window with bars on the back of the room and that too little high ... 
"why am I here ??" asked Viarna stared .. He looked at the two girls who were older than him. 

"Try to remember again ..." said Ovikwati ... Viarna soon open a folder of memory in the brain ..

That afternoon Viarna ran on the highway in the hot sun behind a tree ... Then appears a figure of a man who ambushed him .. and after that he was unconscious .. 

"ss.. so I was kidnapped .. I.. I have to gg.. get out of here !!!" Viarna started to panic and kicked the door in front of him ... 
"It's useless .." said Ovikwati .. hold Viarna shoulder.

"So what should we do ??" said Viarna.Two girls in front of him just did not say any word ..

"if we do not do anything we would not be free from this prison ."Further Viarna.

"little girls .. I've tried many times .. but it did not work .. maybe we should surrender so goods sold .."said Kurniawati said quietly.

"wh .. what ??? "Viarna squealed in surprise .. this what is called trafficking ?? during Viarna only know the traffic light .. * emm .. *To Be Continued ...

*sorry if my English is not good

Virtual Love In October

"The story is about a girl named Aiza, sweet, long hair, broad back ... hahaha .. kidding .... and she is still in grade 2 school, but really play facebook addiction." 
Aiza has not had a girlfriend. Both from the real world or virtual. More than a thousand facebook friends list, nobody interested her. Until finally a man named Octa, Add him. Men are kind of cute - if in clay from her profile photo - 
Octa statuses according to Aiza really cool and vibrant. And always at the start "Good morning, world" in each morning. It has become his trademark. Octa was also very friendly, do not hesitate to go into the status of his friends to comment and Like. Anyway Octa many facebook friends. and all girls. Surely they are in a crush. Because Octa his cool. 
Aiza secretly admire Octa. he frequently comments on the status of the man. At any time, online only to see sataus Octa. Unfortunately, not only Aiza the comments. Rival loads of girls also comment. It's hard if you want to grab the attention of Octa. But who is not interested? Of its status, the man seemed to flatter a girl really ... cool ... and loving ...But thanks to the relentless efforts, over time seems Octa began reading attitudes Aiza. The man turned, closer to Aiza, and slightly away from the other girls. Octa began sending inbox to ask the news, and eventually they exchange phone numbers. Aiza wanted to meet directly with Octa, but do not know why Octa look not want to meet.Because it already had each phone number, they become more frequent communication via sms or phoned. Because they feel close to, Aiza several times asking to meet. At the cafe, or at the mall, or anywhere. But Octa always politely refuse. The reason all sorts. Pool, again playing futsal, or study groups, extracurricular, delivering mother shopping, accompany dad fishing, playing football with his friends. Anyway he would not meet with Aiza.

One day a week, Octa write status: "Good morning, world. Fun to play futsal this morning with my friends." Aiza wonder, how Octa did not contact him. Sms or phoned. The man was actually created status, and did not answer the comments of his friends. Until tonight, Aiza waiting for news of Octa, but the wait in vain. Aiza had inbox, already sms, already phoned, all at no charge. Aiza started in covered, various kinds of prejudice.Of prejudice, perhaps Octa was busy at school, or else no pulse, to the prejudice that Octa might be sick, or ... or ... start to forget ... oh my god! Do Octa knew the other girls prettier and fall in love, then cruelly left Aiza away? Aiza sad. Not feel the tears trickling down his cheeks. Already 1 week Octa there is no news. Not on the phone, also on facebook. Sms, telephone, and inbox Aiza never in reply. What is wrong? What has happened? Really Octa had left? 

Finally, one day, while Aiza still arranging her sad, she found there on facebook inbox. But instead of Octa. But a man named Ikhsan. He is a friend Octa. From Ikhsan, Aiza learned that Octa had died last night. Actually, over the past year, Octa was in the hospital. He was suffering from brain cancer. So all of the contents of the status of swimming, futsal, etc. is nonsense.But not because Octa liar, it does for the sake of entertaining himself from the pain that pierced his head all the time. The comments from all friends facebook makes the pain a little relieved, without intent to deceive them all. Including Aiza. And fell in love with Aiza is that he does not expect. Octa pleaded Aiza forgive him. Aiza cry. Indeed, he felt in lying. But he does not hate Octa altogether.


*sorry if my English is not good